Friday, August 7, 2009

MagniWork Plans Review-Price

I know it, you know it, everybody knows it. Our economy is currently going down the drain. If you are anything like most families in the US you are having more trouble than every paying your bills. One of the best ways to save money right now is by cutting the cost of your bills, but how is that possible? Well, one way to do it is by completely eliminating your electricity bill!

Yes, you heard that right. MagniWork claims they can cut your electricity bill in half and even eliminate it. But is it true? Below is my MagniWork Plans Review.

Total Cost-The MagniWork booklet cost 50 dollars but I knew going into this that I was going to have to spend more than 50 dollars because you have to build the generator yourself. After reading the booklet they give you a list of supplies you need to go out and purchase. I got all my supplies for less than 100 bucks which I thought was a great deal! So for a little under 150 dollars I was ready to go.

The next step is building the generator, I will be talking about how that goes in my next post. For now, if you want to learn more about the MagniWork Generator check out

MagniWork Plans-Was It Tough To Build?

If there is one thing that I am horrible at, it is building things. Seriously, I have trouble putting together a kite! That’s why when I heard you had to build the Magniwork Generator yourself I became scared. But I decided to swallow my pride and give it a shot.

To my surprise I finished building it in a little over two hours. The MagniWork Plans instruction booklet had incredibly detailed instructions on how to do it and so many photos, it basically takes you by the hand to help you put the thing together.

I was so impressed with how easy it was I even challenged my wife to build one! She didn’t take the challenge but I am scared she will someday and beat my time.

So I would say if I can build it no problem anyone can. In my next post we will talk about the quality. If you want to learn more about the MagniWork Generator then check out

MagniWork Generator-How Is The Quality?

So here I am with this new piece of technology and I have no idea what to do with it. I was almost certain I did something wrong because I didn’t understand how something so small could actually help me cut my electricity bill. But it looked exactly like the finished picture looked so I knew I did it right.

The quality of the MagniWork Generator seemed unbelievable to me. It was so small but you could tell how strong it was. The company actually claims that this thing will last over 400 years, which should be enough to last your life time :)

I even dropped it once but no damage was done. I give the quality of the product two thumbs up. But that still doesn’t answer the most important question of all. Do MagniWork Plans Actually Work? We will answer that question in my next post. To learn more about the generator right now then check out

Do MagniWork Plans Actually Work?

I decided I would to start using the MagniWork Generator right away and wait three months till I even took a look at my electricity bills. I just had my wife deal with them for a while :). I did this so at the end of the three months I would be able to calculate how much I saved on average if I saved anything at all.

At the end of the three months my wife came up to me smiling, I knew something good happened. She handed me the bills, I did the calculations and we had saved a little over 70%. I could not believe it! This little thing was actually working. In the near future I plan to build another one that was I can totally eliminate my electricity bill.

I was so excited about this product I had to let all of you guys in on it.

If you want to learn more about MagniWork then check out I decided I would to start using the MagniWork Generator right away and wait three months till I even took a look at my electricity bills. I just had my wife deal with them for a while :). I did this so at the end of the three months I would be able to calculate how much I saved on average if I saved anything at all.

At the end of the three months my wife came up to me smiling, I knew something good happened. She handed me the bills, I did the calculations and we had saved a little over 70%. I could not believe it! This little thing was actually working. In the near future I plan to build another one that was I can totally eliminate my electricity bill.

I was so excited about this product I had to let all of you guys in on it.

If you want to learn more about MagniWork then check out

MagnWork Scam? Not What These People Say!

Many people have been asking if MagniWork Is A Scam. Well, I decided to prove that it is not a scam by taking a look at what other people have to say.


Thanks for the comprehensive guide, I found the instructions fairly simple to follow. I built the generator as a supplement to my current electrical installation. I have been using the magniwork generator for 2 days , and the initial estimations that I made, record an increased efficiency on my power installation in the area of 40-45%. It's been only 2 days since I've been using it, and I'm very pleased with it. I plan on building a larger scale magniwork generator to cover my whole household.

Curtis Holloway - Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin


It has been approximately 5 weeks since I've implemented the magniwork generator.

I have noticed significant savings on my power bill, so far, in the 5 weeks I've been using it, the generator has paid for itself. My brother didn't think this could work : ) , and I proved him wrong.I'm planning on building a magniwork generator for him.

Glynne Stratford, Preston - UK

Hello Magniwork,

I'm not exactly what you call a techy-person, so I was concerned if I would be able to do this, it turned out to be straight-forward to do, thanks for answering my support questions quickly. And most important of all IT REALLY WORKS and I had tons of fun doing it.

Jane Hutchins, Norfolk - UK

As you can clearly tell, this is not a scam. If you want to order your MagniWork instruction booklet check out